Ministries >



Jesus tells us in Matthew 28 to go out and
make disciples of all nations. We’re called
to use our resources to help others.

This list encompasses the ministries that
we as a local church support. Your
involvement and support help these
ministries strive to help others, and share
the Good News of Jesus.


Missions Opportunities

Prison Ministry - Tricia Burt

Prison Ministry

Since 1996, Tricia (our church secretary)
has facilitated 5,000+ correspondence
bible studies with inmates. Many have
been persuaded to Believe and put on
Christ in Baptism!


Arms of Hope

Arms of Hope

For years NSCOC has supported this
great work which now combines Medina
and Boles homes. They serve children
and single mothers in addition to
sponsoring many inner-city efforts.


Harvest House
Community Food Pantry

Harvest House

Alongside our partnering churches,
we commit this amount to help with
the operating expenses of the work. 


Youth Mission Efforts

The Youth Ministry strives to find ways
to serve others in our community
through various opportunities. 


Women’s Pregnancy Center


WPC is a faith based non-profit work
promoting health and educating families
with regards to pregnancy, births,
parenting, and faith.


Patrick Lemmons - Impact

Impact Houston

Patrick serves as one of the ministers
at Impact Church of Christ in Houston.
He and his wife Tyler receive their financial
support from churches outside of Impact.



Impact Lunches

Impact Houston Church of Christ

Each Sunday a church provides and serves
a lunch at Impact. We handle 2 of those
Sundays each year, by providing and
serving the meal.


Eastern European Missions


EEM publishes, prints, and distributes Bibles
and Bible-Based materials in 30+ countries
and 20+ languages through a vast network
of partner churches and organizations.


Unknown Opportunities

We are never able to see into the year and
know what opportunities to support a mission
effort might arise. These funds are simply
available for unknown mission efforts that
might surface in 2024.