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Children’s Ministry



Children's Ministry at Nichols Street 

At Nichols Street, our Kids (infant through 4th grade) experience a safe, age-appropriate environment where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way. We seek to prepare children for a life of discipleship by teaching them that God loves them and wants a relationship with them.

We believe that parents and families should be the primary shapers of faith as Deuteronomy 6:7-8 teaches: " These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." We offer the following classes to help you in your journey of shaping the faith of your children.

We have an unattended nursery available for use during worship.

Cradle Roll -
Children have the ability to learn at a very young age.  As soon as a child can sit up they can begin attending our Cradle Roll class.  They stay in this class till the age of 2.  In this class, children learn that God made everything and that God loves them.

Toddler Bible Class:
Children ages 2 & 3 have fun while learning the fundamental stories of the Bible to cultivate a relationship with their peers and teachers and most importantly they will have solid building blocks for their faith’s foundation. They will go through the Bible twice during their time in this class.

Pre-K & Kinder Bible Class:
Children in preschool and kindergarten will begin their journey diving deeper into God’s Word. In this class, students will take their first steps as we go through a 3-year curriculum exploring the expanse of the Bible. For more information on the Gospel Project Curriculum scroll below.

Elementary Bible Class:
1st - 3rd grade classes open up the Bible to discover the events in the Bible as they continue their journey through our Gospel Project curriculum. For more information on the Gospel Project Curriculum scroll below.

Your First Visit

Here's what to expect when visiting Nichols Street Children's Ministry for the first time.

When entering the church building there are two drive-throughs at the front of the building. Each sets of doors enter into a foyer with directions to the rooms on the walls. On Sunday mornings kids will meet in the Children's Wing and on Wednesday nights, our children meet in our Bible Hour room. Both areas are directed on the foyer walls. If you have any questions, please ask a Church member, we are more than happy to help you find your class!

Once you get to you child's class, check them in and meet their teacher. It's always good to allow the teacher to know who will be picking up and dropping off the child so we can provide a safe environment for your child.

In our Children’s Ministry we are studying the Gospel Project for Kids curriculum.

This Quarter we are in Gospel Project For Kids Volume 1 which covers Units 1, 2, and 3



The story begins with God creating everything from nothing. Of all God’s perfect creation, people were most special, alone being made in God’s image. All that God created was created to reveal God’s glory-how amazing is He!

Key Passage:

“The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” Psalm 91:1

Big Picture Question: 

Why did God create everything? God created everything for His Glory and our good

Unit 1 Session 1 - God Created the World

Unit 1 Session 2 - God Created People

Unit 1 Session 3 - Creation Glorifies God




Everything was perfect when God created it, but it didn't stay that way. Adam and Eve rebelled against God. From that time on, creation was ruined and everyone has been born a sinner. But God would not leave people to remain dead in sin. He would provide the solution for sin: His Son, Jesus Christ.

Key Passage:

“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Big Picture Question:

What does it mean to sin? To sin is to think, speak, or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands

Unit 2 Session 1 - Sin Entered the World

Unit 2 Session 2 - Sin Spreads to People

Unit 2 Session 3 - God Spared Noah

Unit 2 Session 4 - People Rebel Against God




God's solution for sin, which He promised in Eden, became clearer when God made a covenant with Abraham. God promised to bring the Rescuer through Abraham's family. This family was far from perfect and endured great adversity, but through it all, God remained faithful, revealing that nothing could stop His plan.

Key Passage:

“I know that the Lord is great, that our Lord is greater than all gods. The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.” Psalm 135:5-6

Big Picture Question:

Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth. Nothing is outside of God's good plan.

Unit 3 Session 1 - God Made A Covenant with Abraham

Unit 3 Session 2 - Melchizedek Blessed Abraham

Unit 3 Session 3 - God Provided Isaac

Unit 3 Session 4 - God Changed Jacob

Unit 3 Session 5 - God had a Plan for Joseph

Unit 3 Session 6 - God Controls Everything



Meet our Children’s Minister and her family

Katie Sue Webber has been on staff at Nichols Street since May of 2022. Katie Sue is married to her husband, Chris, and together they have two sons.  Katie Sue went to Oklahoma Christian University where she graduated with a bachelors degree in Children’s Ministry and a minor in Family Science. Katie Sue's main responsibilities as Children's Minister are working with the children, preteens, and their families.


By working together and equipping our children we can change our community through a generation of young believers.  Come be a part of Nichols Street Kid Min! If you are interested in learning more check us out on Facebook!


Worship Experience | Sundays 9:30am | Auditorium
Children's Bible Hour | Sundays Worship during sermon | Bible Hour Room
Sunday Bible Class 10:45am | Children's Wing
Wednesday Bible Class6:30pm | Bible Hour Room


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